RAL P1 & RAL P2 - the Plastic Standard from RAL Institute
By the development of RAL PLASTICS a new and independent plastic standard for the industry was established in 2010. First 100 colors according to the RAL CLASSIC color collection were demised to plastic standard in a high technical procedure. The 100 colors were color tones of the 840-HR register that were most in demand.
With the usage of RAL PLASTICS a self-contained plastic was produced upon a
multiplied demand on the plastic processing industry in 2010. First 100 colors
according to RAL CLASSIC color collection were transferred to a self-contained RAL plastic standard by the help of a complex technical process. These are the most frequently used color shades.
Plastics manufacturers profit from RAL PLASTIC by replacing cost-intensive reproduction of paint samples on plastics according to RAL colors by new plastics standards.