Federal Association of Wholesalers for Home & Color e.V. (GHF) | Bundesverband Großhandel Heim & Farbe e.V. (GHF) | www.ghf-online.deThe Federal Association of Wholesalers for Home & Color e. V. is an association of companies that mainly deal with the wholesale of floor coverings, paints, home textiles, wallpaper and their processing accessories. The main tasks of the GHF lie in the public representation of interests through targeted public relations, the implementation of continuing education events and the collection of industry-relevant statistics. On its website, the GHF offers a variety of industry-specific information, such as market data, current information and training seminars.
German Chemical Distribution Association e.V. (VCH) | Verband Chemiehandel e.V. (VCH) | www.vch-online.deThe German Chemical Distribution Association offers its members three specialist departments as well as regional and technical working groups as platforms for dialogue. First and foremost, the association sees itself as a service and information center for its members. Topics include storage and handling of chemicals with related laws and regulations. Further information as well as brochures can be found on the website.
Verbund Farbe und Gestaltung GmbH (VFG) | www.vfg.netThe company VFG - Verbund Farbe und Gestaltung is a medium-sized wholesaler in the fields of paints and varnishes, wallpapers, tools and floor coverings. The association includes over 40 members with around 220 distribution points and is one of the leading color wholesalers in Europe. The role of the association is based on the principle of the broker between the interests of trade and industry.
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Groß- und Außenhandel Hamburg e.V. (WGA) | www.wga-hh.deThe WGA is a merger of associations and companies and pools the know-how of the various branches of wholesale and foreign trade in the food and non-food sectors. The association provides its members with advice and assistance in economic and legal matters, the exchange of knowledge and experience.